


导读:cafe中文:咖啡馆,小餐馆(供应饮料和便餐,在英美国家通常不供应酒类);便利商店(出售糖果、报纸、食物等,通常比其他商店晚一些关门)cafe 读法 英 [ˈkæfeɪ]  美 [kæ'feɪ] 短语:1、internet cafe  *** 咖


cafe 读法 英 [ˈkæfeɪ]  美 [kæ'feɪ] 


1、internet cafe  *** 咖啡屋

2、cyber cafe  *** 咖啡屋


We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe 






cafeteria, cafe, restaurant这组词都有“饭店、餐馆”的意思,其区别是:

1、cafeteria 指顾客自取食品到餐桌就餐的餐馆。

2、cafe 源于法语,指可供茶、咖啡等饮料和小食品的饮食店。

3、restaurant 最常用词,指有各种规格、营业时间固定、供应不同风味菜肴和饮料的食店或大餐厅。



现在的你正漫步在异国的街道,路旁的咖啡馆使你想享受悠闲的时刻, *** 的香味唤起你的浪漫情怀,进去啜饮一杯咖啡吧!(等一下!)心里有个微弱的声音让你却步。真糟糕,老师教的英文,全部留在学校,当你转身要走,那一堆帅气侍者(waiter)和美丽的侍女(waitress)又在那对你频频微笑。

首先,我们先得要开门进去,(废话!)But,先弄清楚门上标示的英文"Push",是 推;而"Pull"是拉。


看吧!A piece of cake(轻而易举)已经带你到咖啡店,剩下看你罗!


问候语: 你可以回答:


"How are you"

"How's everything"

"How are you doing"

"Good morning( afternoon; evening)" "Fine Thank you"

"Great Thank you"

"Very well Thanks"

"Fine, thank you, and you"

应用初中所学的英文就可以轻松对答了,要记得保持微笑(Keep *** iling)和礼貌(Be polite)

接着,侍者会问你有几位要用餐 只须用简单的英文数字即可。

"For how many people" "A table for one; two; three"


"Smoke or non- *** oke"吸烟区或非吸烟区。

至今你都表现的不错,当你舒服坐在椅子上,waiter (waitress)也给你一份菜单(menu),翻开它,成堆的英文只看得懂"coffee",算了,闭起眼睛随便点一个好了!(别这麽自暴自弃)其实只要说"coffee",你就可以喝到咖啡水(原谅我如此形容,不过味道真的淡如水。)


A一般咖啡 : 单品(single estate)+综合(blend)

single estate:

blend: Hawaiian Kona 夏威夷科那 Colombian 哥伦比亚

Mocha 摩卡 Brazilian 巴西

Mendeling 曼特宁 Kenya AA 肯亚特极

Java 爪哇 Kilimonjaro 吉利马扎罗

Blue Mountain 蓝山

有各种不同口味,视店家作本日咖啡 everyday blend

B花式咖啡 : 加入各种口味的糖浆(syrup);鲜奶油(whipped cream)少许酒

Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡

Vienna coffee 维也纳咖啡

Ice Coffee也算花式咖啡一种,但在国外较少见°

Frapuccino 法布奇诺

Caffé Frio 冰沙咖啡

C意式咖啡 (Italian coffee) :

加入蒸牛奶(steamed milk) Caffé Latte 拿铁(奶量较多)

Cappuccino 卡布其诺

Mochaccino 摩卡其诺(加巧克力酱)

基本作底 Espresso 分为单份浓度(Single)和双份浓度(Double)

DDecaf低 *** 咖啡 :

嗯~~,选好咖啡之后,眼角瞄到玻璃柜中那些精致的糕饼,看起来真美味!(Look so delicious!)把Menu翻到甜点(Dessert)那页,节食(on a diet)唉!回去再说吧!

蛋糕类(Cake) 巧克力口味 比斯考提(Biscotti) 松糕类(Muffin)

Cheese Cake 起士蛋糕 ~~~ 咖啡店经典蛋糕

Sponge Cake


Chiffon Cake


Vanilla Cream Cake


Marbled Chocolate

Cheese Cake


Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕

Black Forest Cake


Swiss Chocolate


White Chocolate Cake







Hawaii Nut 夏威夷坚果口味


Banana 香蕉

Lemon 柠檬

Vanilla 香草

Strawberry 草莓

Chocolate 巧克力

Blueberry 蓝莓

Cranberry 蔓越莓Raspberry 覆盆莓

甜甜圈(Doughnut) 派类(Pie) 格子松饼(Waffle) 英式酥饼(Scone)

Plain Doughnut


Jelly Doughnut


Chocolate Doughnut


Powdered Sugar



Apple Pie


Lemon Pie


Pecan Pie


Cherry Pie


Boston Pie

波士顿派 Butter







这是一种薄薄一片的煎饼,一份叁至四片,沾糖浆或奶油° 呈叁角型,烤后热热酥酥的很好吃!







卷类(Roll) 塔类(Tart) 贝果(Bagel) 其他

Miniature Danish

Roll 丹麦卷

Raisin Roll


Maple Cinnamon

Roll 枫糖肉桂卷


焦糖卷 Fruit Tart


Strawberry Tart


Lemon Tart

柠檬塔 国外常吃的圆形面包,切开涂抹酱料°

Plain 原味

Herb 药草

Garlic 大蒜

Wheat 全麦

Cranberry 蔓越莓

Blueberry 蓝莓 Rice Pudding


Custard Pudding


Cream Brulee





May I take your order Sorry, I am not ready yet


Yes, I would like

Yes, I will take

yes, I will have

当点餐时,尽量避免用"WANT"这个字,因为太强烈有些不礼貌的感觉。而一杯咖啡为 A cup of coffee ; 一片蛋糕为 A piece of cake


接下来,就痴痴的等待餐点送来吗Come on!别浪费时间,看看桌上的摆设,通常放有奶精和糖或是糖浆。

牛奶 Whole Milk(全脂); Low Fat Milk(低脂); Skim Milk(脱脂);Cream 鲜奶油

糖 White Sugar(白糖); Brown Sugar(黄糖); Sweetener(代糖)

糖浆 Syrup 有很多口味: Maple(枫糖);Almond(杏仁); Strawberry, Blueberry

享受完美味的餐点后,记得用餐巾纸(Napkin)擦擦嘴,才不会失礼。充满咖啡香的你,身体的血液正因 *** 而感到精神百倍,可别这样就兴奋过头出去了!

Check, please! 请买单! 对吗,要先付钱唷。


侍者会问:Credit card or Cash 信用卡或现金



(Instant Coffee), 然后再回来,好好学英文!

Relax and enjoy your coffee!!!


1Coffee Service During The Meal

Customer:Do you have a vacant seat

Waiter:Yes,this way,please

W:Is this table all right

C:GoodThank you


W:Right away,sir

W:What would you like,sir

C:I don"t have much timeWhat can you serve fast

W:Well,how about curry and rice

C:Anything else

W:Spaghetti meat sauce and pilaff

C:I"ll take pilaffWhat kind of pilaff do you have

W:We serve chicken and shrimp

C: Shrimp pilaff,pleaseAnd also coffee,please

W:Very well,sirWould you like coffee with your meal

C:Yes,with my meal,please

W:Coffee,sirWould you like some cream(in your coffee)


W:Sorry to have kept you waiting

C:Thank you

C:Bring me a fork instead of spoon,please

W:Oh,sorryI"ll bring it right now,sir

C:Pilaff is good taste

W:Thank you,sir

W:Would you like another cup of coffee

C:Yes,one more cup of coffee,please

W:All right

C:I"ve finishedWhere can I pay for my meal

W:Please pay the cashier

C:Yes,thank youGood-bye

W:Thank youCome again,sir

C:Thank youI will

2American Club House Sandwich and Drinks

Customer:Do you have a table for one

Waiter:Yes,pleaseWould you like to sit by the window

C:Yes,any table is all right

W:please be seated

C:Oh,that"s fineThank you

W:I"ll bring the menu right now

C:I"m not in a hurry

W:Here is the menu,sir

W:May I have your order,sir

C:Well,let me see,do you have sandwich

W:Yes,we have,sirWhat kind of sandwich would you like

C:Just a momentOh,I seeI"ll take this American Club House Sandwich

Well,I"ll have a bowl of soup before thatWhat is the soup du jour

W:Today"s soup is cream of corn soup,sir

C:I don"t care for cream of corn soupI"ll take this minestrone soup instead

W:Very well,sirPotage minestrone and American club house sandwichJust a minute,sir

W:Sorry to have kept you waitingParmesan cheese,please

C:Oh,thank you

W:Would you like anything to drink with your sandwich

C:Yes,iced tea,please

W:All rightI"ll bring it right away,sir

W:How do you find the sandwich

C:Hum,very goodDelicious

W:Thank you,sir

W:Excuse me,may I clear your table

C:Yes,pleaseThank you

W:How about some sweet,ice cream or something

C:What kind of ice cream do you have

W:We have vanilla,strawberry,chocolate and green tea ice cream

C:Oh,yesI"ll take green tea ice creamI like Japanese green tea

W:Oh,you doI"ll bring it right away,sir

W:Sorry to have kept you waitingTake your time,please

C:Thank you

3Chicken Sandwich and Black Tea

Waiter:Good afternoon,ma"am

Customer:Just one,do you have a table

W:Yes,ma"amOver thereI"ll seat you

C:Thank you

C:Show me the menu,please

W:Yes,ma"amHere it is

C:I"m not so hungryDo you have sandwiches

W:Yes,there are some kinds of sandwiches over hereWhat would you like,ma"am

C:Chicken sandwich,pleaseJust white meat onlyAnd also black tea,please

W:Certainly,ma"amChicken sandwich,white meat onlyAnd which do you prefer,lemon or milk with your tea



W:Sorry to have kept you waitingLemon tea,pleaseI"ll bring the sandwich right nowJust a moment,please

C:Thank you

W:Here is the sandwich,your special orderI think it"s good taste,ma"am

C:Oh,that"s itHum,goodDelicious,thank you

W:Thank youEnjoy your meal

C:Yes,thank you

C:Excuse me,young lady,where is the ladies" room

W:Go straight ahead,and you"ll see it on your right

C:Thank youI"ll be back

C:Should I pay you or the cashier


W:Thank you very muchCome again,please

C:Thank youGood-bye

4Hamburger and Coffee

Waitress:Good afternoonWhat would you like

Customer:I"d like to have a hamburger and Coke,pleaseAnd also give me coffee with my hamburger

W:A hamburge and CokeCoffee with your hamburger


W:Would you like Coke now


W:Sorry to have kept you waitingHamburger and coffee,sirWould you like some cream

C:No,thank youJust black

W:Are you through,sir

C:Yes,I"m through

W:Would you like some more coffee


W:How about some sweet

C:Well,let me have the menu again

W:All right

C:Let me seeI"ll have an apple pie a la mode

W:Apple pie a la modeJust a moment,please

C:Thank you

W:Here is your pie a la mode,sir

C:Oh,I don"t like whipped creamWould you please take it away


W:Is it all right

C:Yes,that"s itThank you

C:Thanks a lotI"ll see you

W:Thank you,sirCome again,sir

5Beef Steak Sandwich

Customer:Just one,please

Captain:Good evening,sirJust one

C:I"d like to sit at the counter


Waiter:Good eveningMenu,sir

C:Thank you

C:I think I"ll have the Beef steak sandwichWhat comes with it

W:French fried potatoes,a sliced tomato and pickles,sir

C:All right,I"ll take itAnd *** all portion of green saladSalad with my steak sandwich,please

W:Any drink,sir

C:No,I"ll order later

W:Yes,sirHow would you like your steak,sir


W:MediumAll right,sir

W:Sorry to have kept you waitingSteak sandwich,sir

C:Thank youHum,goodVery tender steakExcellent!

W:Thank you,sirI"m very glad to hear that

C:Waiter,do you have some catchupI want some for this French fries


W:Have you finished

C:Yes,I"ve finished

C:Can I have coffee,please

W:Very well,sir

6Open-Faced Sandwich

Captain:Good afternoon,ma"am

Customer:Good afternoonOne,please


Cap:Please be seated

C:Thank you


C:Thank you

Waiter:Good afternoon,ma"amMay I take your order,ma"am

C:YesLet me see,I"ll take this openfaced sandwichWhich do you recommend

W:Well,how about beef,ham or cheese

C:Okay,I"ll take thatEach of these,please

W:Anything else

C:I"ll take coffee now



W:Oh,I"m so sorry!It was very clumsy of meI"ll bring a hot towel right now

C:That"s all rightdon"t worry

Head Waiter:I must apologize for the carelessness of my staffAre you staying in our hotel

C:Yes,I am

HW:May we have your dress cleaned for you,ma"am

C:No,don"t worry about itIt"s quite all right now

HW:We"re very sorry,ma"am

HW:Here is your open-faced sandwich,ma"am

C:Thank you

HW:Would you like some more coffee

C:Yes,some more,please

C:Should I pay the cashier

W:Yes,pleaseThank you,ma"am

C:How much I owe you

Cashier:Just one thousand you,ma"amNo service charge,ma"am

C:Why not

Ca:Because it was so clumsy of us todayAnd our head waiter says not to put the service charge on your check

C:Oh,thank you

C:Thank you very much,ma"am

7Bacon Tomato Lettuce Sandwich

Hostess:I"m sorry,but will you please wait for a whileWe open at eleven o"clock,sir

Customer:Oh,I seeI"ll wait

H:We"re sorry to have kept you waiting so longPlease,come in,sir

H:I"ll seat you near the window

C:GoodThank you

H:How about this seat

C:Very fine,thank you

Waitress:What would you like,sir

C:I want bacon,tomato,lettuce sandwich,and coffeeMake my coffee weak,pleaseSometimes Japanese coffee is too strong for me

W:Our coffee is not too strongAmerican style coffee,sir

C:Is that rightGood

W:Shall I bring coffee now


W:All right


C:Thank youJust black,no cream


W:Bacon,lettuce,tomato sandwich,sir

C:Thank you

W:Would you like some more coffee

C:No more,thank you

C:Could I have some more potato chipsI"ll pay for that


W:Here you areNo charge,sir

C:Oh,thank you very muchVery kind

W:You"re welcome

C:Well,I"m going

W:Thank you,sirCome again,please

C:Thank you

8Green Salad and Bread

Customer:Is that table vacant

Waiter:Sorry,that table is reserved,sirThe restaurant is full now,so will you wait for a while

C:That"s all rightI"ll wait

W:Now we have a table near the garden,sir

C:Oh,is that rightThank you,please

W:Today is very hotWill you take any cold drink before your meal

C:Well,yesI"ll have a Coca Cola,please

W:Coca Cola,yes,sirShall I put some ice in it

C:Yes,plenty of ice,please

W:Very well,sir

W:Can I have your order,please

C:Yes,pleaseWell,I"ll have onion soup,tossed green salad,veal cutlet and some French bread

W:Onion soup,tossed green salad,veal cutlet and French breadI"m sorry,but French bread is sold out,sirHow about soft rolls or raisin bread

C:Well,then I"ll take raisin breadTwo pieces

W:Yes,sirAnd would you care for your salad before your meat

C:Yes,before the meat or during the meat,either will doThank you

W:Certainly,sirJust a minute,please

W:Sorry to have kept you waitingThe dish is very hotBe careful,please

C:What kind of cheese is this

W:Gruyere cheese made in Switzerland,sir

C:GoodCan I have some more

W:I"ll leave it here,and help yourself to the cheese

C:That"s enoughTake it away


C:The soup is very delicious

W:Thank youI"ll serve salad right now,sirWhat kind of dressing would you like on it

C:Thousand Island dressing,please,and bring a piece of cut lemon

W:Thousand Island dressing and a piece of cut lemonAll right,sir

C:Excuse me,bring me another Coca Cola,please


W:Veal cutlet,sir

C:Thank you

W:How did you find the veal cutlet

C:Very tenderGood taste,thank you

W:Is that rightThank you,sir

W:May I clear your table

W:Dessert menu,sirWhat would you like,sir

C:French pastry and demi tasse,please

W:Very sorry,we don"t serve demi tasse in this coffee shopWe serve coffee,only in regular cup,sir

C:That"s okay,Coffee in a regular cup,please


C:Oh,you serve many kinds of pastriesWell,what shall I haveI"ll take a cream puffOne is enoughThank you



W:The check is here,on your table

C:Oh,sorryI didn"t know that

W:Please pay at the cashier"s desk near the entrance

C:Okay,thank you(at the cashier"s counter)

C:Thank youHow much I owe you

Cashier:Thirty eight hundred and twenty yen,sir10% tax in addition,sir

Ca:Five thousand yen,sir

Ca:Thank you,sirEleven hundred and eighty yen changeCome again,please

C:Thank you

9Salmon Steak and Ginger Ale

Waiter:May I help you,sir

Customer:Oh,no,I"m looking for somebody,Thank you

C:Oh,I"ve found my friendOkay,thank you


W:Good afternoon,sir

W:What do you want to have,sir

C:I would like to have cream of tomato soup,grilled salmon steak and rolls

W:Would you like anything to drink

C:Do you have 7 up

W:Sorry,we don"t serve 7 upHow about ginger ale,sir

C:You don"tAll rightI"ll take ginger ale


W:Cream of tomato soup,grilled salmon steak and rollsShall I serve ginger ale now

C:Yes,now please

W:Sorry to have kept you waitingCream of tomato soup,sirSome croutons

C:Yes,I like it very much

C:Thank youThat"s enough

C:What garnishes come with the salmon steak

W:A boiled potato and buttered string beans,sir

C:Oh,that"s I wantedThank you

W:Salmon steak,sirAnchovy butter,sir

C:No,thank you

W:Enjoy your meal

C:Thank you

W:How did you find the salmon steak

C:Yes,very goodDelicious

C:You speak good EnglishHave you been in America

W:No,I"ve never been to AmericaI liked to study English when I was in a high school

And now I"m studying English serving foreign customers in this restaurant

I wish I could go to the United States or England sometime in near future

C:Oh,you are admirableI hope you will have a chance to go these countriesPlease study hardI"ll see you again

W:Thank you very much


W:Good-bye,sirHave a nice stay in China

10The Service of Beef Steak

Customer:Just one

Waiter:Just oneIs this table all right

C:All right,thank you

W:What would you like today

C:I think I believe,chicken cream soup,sirloin steak,green salad with my steak and more rolls,please

W:How would you like your steak,sir

C:I want medium well

W:Medium rare,sir

C:Oh,no,medium well

W:Medium well done

C:That"s rightNot medium rate,but medium well


W:Green salad and rolls,sir


C:And what kind of dressing do you have

W:We have French and Thousand Island dressing

C:I want French dressing

W:Very well,sir

C:Is this beef steak Japanese or imported

W:It"s imported from the United States

C:Is that rightVery tender,and good tasteIt"s just like Kobe beef

W:Yes,recently the American beef has become very niceAnd also,in Japan,we import beef from other countriesFrom Australia,New Zealand and FranceThey are also good,I think

C:Do you think soI think Kobe beef is No1

W:Thank you very much

W:Enjoy your meal,sir

C:Just a minuteCould I have coffee now


W:Coffee,sirHot water,sir

C:Oh,it"s very kind of you

W:Well,if you want to take good Kobe beef steak,you can eat it in the restaurant specializing in beef steak down town,or high class restaurant of a hotel

C:I think so,tooThank you

W:Would you like some more coffee

C:No more,thank you

C:Excuse me


C:Is there any bank near hereI want to exchange money,American dollars for yen

W:You go out this restaurant,turn to the left,then go straight ahead down the street,and you"ll see it on your rightIt takes about three minutes on foot

C:Thank youI appreciate your kindnessGoodbye!

W:Thank youGood-bye,sir

11The Service for A Couple

Waiter:Good evening

Customer:A table for two,please

W:Yes,sirI"ll seat youThis way,please

C:Thank you


C:Thank you

W:Are you ready to order

C:Yes,we are readyShe takes consomme,I take New England clam chowder,and jumbo burger for her,minute steak and rolls for meWhat comes with my steak

W:French fries and Brussels sprouts,sir

C:Good,all rightI"ll take that

W:Well,consomme and jumbo burger for the lady,and minute steak,rolls for youAll rightHow would you like your steak,sir



C:You don"t have no hurry,we have plenty of time

W:Thank you,sirJust a minute,please

C:Excuse me,will you put some


屋外饮食店,小餐馆,饮食摊,咖啡,咖啡厅。咖啡是采用经过烘焙的咖啡豆(咖啡属植物的种子) *** 的饮料,通常为热饮,但也有作为冷饮的冰咖啡。咖啡为人类社会流行范围最为广泛的饮料之一。


This café is a rendezvous for writers and artists这家小餐馆是作家和艺术家经常聚会的地方The police came and ejected the noisy youths from the café room" *** 来了,把那些吵吵嚷嚷的青年人从咖啡馆里撵了出去。"

We had our lunch in a café and hurried back to the car我们在一家小餐馆里吃了午饭,就又匆匆回到车上。咖啡馆这个词是法语的原词,同时也是此词的正规英语拼写形式(若去掉e上的闭音符,根据英语的发音规则e将不会发音)。法语中,e上的一撇café(闭音符)表示要读[e]音。



人民最初咀嚼这种植物果实以提神,後来烘烤磨碎掺入面粉做成面包,作为勇士的食物,以提高作战的勇气。直到11世纪左右,人们才开始用水煮咖啡做为饮料。13世纪时,埃塞俄比亚军队入侵也门,将咖啡带到了 *** 世界。

因为 *** 教义禁止教徒饮酒,有的宗教界人士认为这种饮料 *** 神经,违反教义,曾一度禁止并关闭咖啡店,但埃及蘇丹认为咖啡不违反教义,因而解禁,咖啡饮料迅速在 *** 地区流行开来。

咖啡Coffee这个词,就是来源於 *** 语Qahwa,意思是「植物饮料」,後来传到土耳其,成为欧洲语言中这个词的来源。咖啡种植, *** 的 *** 也被 *** 人不断地改进逐渐完善。

但在西元15世纪以前,咖啡长期被 *** 世界所垄断,仅在 *** 国家间流传;当时主要被使用在医学和宗教上, *** 医生和僧侣们承认咖啡具有提神、醒脑、健胃、强身、止血等功效。直到16、17世纪,透过威尼斯商人和海上霸权荷兰人的买卖辗转将咖啡传入欧洲,很快地。


