


导读:1、furniture怎么读2、furniture可不可数3、furniture什么意思4、furniture的用法5、furniture是什么意思6、furniture不可数吗furniture怎么读furniture读:英 [_f__n


furniture读:英 [_f__n_t__(r)],美 [_f__rn_t__r]。作名词时意思是“家具,设备,储藏物”。


Bentwood furniture 曲木家具,曲木家庭用具,曲木。

Office furniture 办公家具,办公众具。

Chinese furniture 中国古典家具,明式家具,中国家具。


1、I like the design of your furniture


2、They all use your products and have not chewed any of our furniture





kiln furniture 窑具

hospital furniture 医院家具

variable furniture 可变家具

diningroom furniture phr 餐厅家具

furniture shop 家具店

renting with furniture 带家具出租

hall furniture 大厅家具

hardwood furniture 硬木家具

sectional furniture 组合家具

utility furniture 经 经济实用的家具


1、Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style


2、The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art


3、We talk in her Belgrade flat, full of heavy old brown furniture




英 ['f__n_t__(r)]美 ['f__rn_t__r] 

n 家具;设备furniture,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;会计家_

例句:This old table is a valuable piece of furniture


短语:design furniture 设计家具



英 ['f_t__s]美 ['f_t__s] 

n 家具;设备


例句:The guest rooms have been refurbished with luxurious carpets and fittings



furniture属于名词,中文意思是“家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品”,当furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的可移动的大件物品,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。比如We will buy some furniture for our new house我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。扩展资料 furniture属于名词,中文意思是“家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品”,当furniture是“家具”的总称,指室内的'可移动的大件物品,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。比如We will buy some furniture for our new house我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。




1、As a main utensil in the daily life, furniture has great relation with the life style


2、All the furniture was made of wood

这里所有的家具都是用木料 *** 的。

3、Buying new furniture may prove too costly


4、A similar part on a piece of furniture or a vehicle


5、a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books


6、They helped us to move the furniture in


7、In some cases, furniture made of real wood could look nicer than faux wood


8、Hotel de Glace contains 36 rooms with furniture completely made of ice


9、She had to rearrange her furniture and move her home office away from the antennas


10、Multifunctional furniture: Every piece of furniture in a *** all space should do double duty





n 家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;会计家_。




We will buy some furniture for our new house


This old table is a valuable piece of furniture



1 furniture属表总称的物质名词(也有的'书称之为 *** 名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。如:

She furnished the apartment with modern furniture 她给那套公寓装配了现代家具。

Many things, such as toys, furniture, and computers, are made of plastic 许多东西如玩具、家具和电脑都是塑料做的。

即使其前受到all, some等的修饰,也不能用复数。如:

I’ve just bought some new furniture 我刚买了一些新家具。

All the furniture was covered with dust 所有家具都落满了灰尘。

2 若要表示“量”,可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of等修饰,但不能用many, few, a few等修饰。如:

The room had little furniture in it 室内没什么家具。

There is a lot of furniture in his living-room 他的客厅里有很多家具。

The room was *** all and contained far too much furniture 房间很小而家具实在太多。

若要表示“数”可用a piece of (article, item) of等修饰。如:

A desk is an article of furniture 书桌是一件家具。

Most people look on a television set as an essential piece of furniture 多数人都把电视机看成是必不可少的家具。

3 若要表示“一套家具”,可用a suite of修饰。如:

That’s a nice suite of furniture 那是一套漂亮的家具。

decorate 英[ˈdekəreit] 美[ˈdɛkəˌret] 过去式:decorated 过去分词:decorated 现在分词:decorating

及物动词 vt


My mother likes to decorate rooms



The Queen decorated the soldier





英 ['dekəreɪt] 美 [ˈdɛkəˌret]



装饰,装璜; 装饰,布置; 来装饰; 装饰,装璜,修饰

1VERB 动词装饰;装点;点缀 If you decorate something,you make it more attractive by adding things to it

He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures他用自己最喜欢的几位体育明星的照片装饰房间

Use shells to decorate boxes,trays,mirrors or even pots用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆

2VERB 动词粉刷;油漆;裱糊 If you decorate a room or the inside of a building,you put new paint or wallpaper on the walls and ceiling,and paint the woodwork

When they came to decorate the rear bedroom,it was Jemma who had the final say他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算

The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下

I had the flat decorated quickly so that Philippa could move in我很快地把公寓粉刷了一遍,这样菲利帕就能搬进来了

a *** all,badly decorated office装修简陋的小办公室


I did a lot of the decorating myself大部分油漆活儿都是我自己做的


The renovation process and decoration took four months翻新和粉刷总共耗时 4 个月

3VERB 动词美化 If something decorates a place or an object,it makes it look more attractive笔语Constable posters decorate the walls康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面

4VERB 动词授予…勋章(或其他荣誉) If someone is decorated,they are given a medal or other honour as an official reward for something that they have done

passiveHe was decorated for bravery in battle他因为作战英勇而被授予奖章





1You need to decorate your mind with virtue你应该用德行美化心灵

2My mother likes to decorate rooms我妈妈非常喜欢装饰房间

3She opened the door for me and threw herself in my arms,screaming joyously and demanding that we decorate the tree immediately她打开门,直扑我的怀抱,欣喜地喊叫着要马上装饰圣诞树

4Life is not composed by aphori *** ,how can we decorate it with pompous cliche&1&sI send you my most sincere greeting in silence人生并非格言组成,岂能靠美丽的辞章来妆点,默默中,有我对你最诚挚的祝福

5Susan bought a garden gnome to decorate her garden苏珊买了一个土地神像来装饰她的花园

6Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决

7The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下

8People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋

9If you want to decorate,I can get you half-price paint你要想收拾一下房间的话,我能给你买到半价的油漆

10The family decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights全家人用玻璃球和小灯泡装饰圣诞树

11After the house is built,how much will it cost to decorate房子造好后装修要花多少钱呢

12It's necessary to decorate the classroom有必要装修这间教室

13He's been engaged to decorate the house他受雇装饰这所房子

14Bright posters decorate the streets鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道

15It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house房屋的内部装饰花去许多钱

16The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party三四年级的学生相互合作,为联谊会布置体操馆

17They are also sometimes used to decorate jewellery boxes有时也用来装饰珠宝盒

18Get freetree for your desktopDecorate your desktop Christmas tree特别提醒,鼠标放到圣诞树上面有倒计时

19Esin sculpture technology,wing decorate optical cable,can give out light树脂雕塑工艺,翅膀装饰光纤,可发光

20In the above photo,German troops decorate a tree in their trench图为德军在战壕里装饰圣诞树



 Office etiquette are formal rules of behavior that make professional encounters pleasant and productive While certain procedures may seem awkward or wasteful to you as you begin working in a new situation, resist the urge to make immediate changes Discover how things are done and why Observe how others answer the telephone, dress, decorate desks or office space, snack on the job, circulate memos, etc Establish in your mind other peoples priorities before asserting your own Any changes you initiate will have more validity after you have familiarized yourself with the customary procedures

 办公室礼仪能够使得职业生活愉快并且富于效率。在你刚刚开始在一个新环境上班,你可能对某些礼仪感到难以运用得体甚至觉得是繁文缛节,但是不要马上改变它。留心观察该怎样做和为什么这样做:接 *** 、穿衣服、办公桌和办公区的布局及装饰,在办公室用餐、传阅文件等等。你首先要对别人的行为留下印象然后再确定自己的行为规范。在你对约定俗成的习惯熟悉后再开始做一些改变会更加富有成效。

 Every Office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed


 Whatever your position, a "thank you" is in order, no matter how *** all the task or favor



 Zhang Hai: Good morning Mr Mo , its a pleasure to meet you again

 张海:早上好, 莫 先生,我很荣幸再见到您。

 Mo: Nice to see you, if you work hard,skys the limits here


 Zhang Hai: Thanks, shall I meet my colleagues


 Mo: Sure, come with me


 Mo: Yi Di, I would like you to meet our new comer, Zhang Hai, he just graduated from Qinghua University


 Yi Di: Nice to meet you


 Zhang Hai: I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance


 Yi Di: Thats all right, I will try my best to assist if you need any help


 Zhang Hai: Great!


 Mo: Well, as other guys are still not in, Ill introduce you to them later


 Zhang Hai: All right



 Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed


 If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr Dodd when others are around


 If yours is an informal office, you still should wait for the other person to say, "Please call me Jim," before doing so, if he has been introduced to you as "Mr Culyer"

 如果您的公司比较随便,您更好还是等到别人把“库 叶 先生”介绍给您后再如此称呼。在此之前,你还是要等他对你说:“请叫我Jim吧。”

 Everyone, no matter whether the office is formal of informal, has a name No assistant should ever be referred to as "my girl" She is, if a possessive must be used, "Charlene Walter, my assistant," or "Angela Badalato, my assistant"

 无论公司是否有无规矩,每个人都有称呼。不是每个经理助理都可以用类似“姑娘”的倪称。如果必须说明所属关系,则应如此介绍:她是Charlene Walter,我的助理,或我的助理 Angela Badalato。


 I am Peter, Sales manager of the company

 First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company

 As you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies I know you will be proud of you being a member of our companyIt is always my great concern to keep the business going We can never rest on our laurels We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time As you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds

 Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, thats the only way for you and our company keep growing

 Again I would like to welcome you and from today on, lets strive for development







 Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help While no one likes the shirker who never seems to be able to quite get his own projects finished and turns helplessly to peers for assistance, most will willingly volunteer to lend a hand to someone who has helped him or her


 If you know a coworker is working through lunch to collate a large client packet, your volunteering to stay and help will be gratefully received and most often returned when its you who is stuck I say voluntarily because your offer is not to add up paid overtime hours It is to help a peer in need


 If your offer is accepted, you do not, however, store it away in your mental favor bank or ever remind everyone what a good person you were for helping------you simply hope the favor will be returned when its you who is overloaded





  *** 和对策:看当天的新闻,了解当地的生活情况。


 Is there anything new

 The New York Times this morning says



  *** 和对策:把资料的要点前后连贯地写在纸上。每个项目要条理分明,这样别人才能听得懂。


 Let me begin with

 I have three major points to discuss with you

 Are there any questions

 Thank you very much (for your attention)



  *** 和对策:深呼吸一下,然后以简单的寒暄和对方打招呼。记得要面带微笑。


 Hello, Mr C!

 I suspect youre tired after a long flight

 Did you have a comfortable flight


 Part of the daily routine of most executives is to spend a period of time with his or her assistant, going over projects, dictating letters, discussing appointments to be made etc It is easy to forget the niceties of human relations that make these meetings more pleasant when they occur daily, but shouting, "Jane! Come in here!" or running through the litany of things to do without a *** ile is inexcusable

 大多数业务经理大部分日常业务都花在与他或她的助理研究项目,口述信函,商讨会谈时间等事务上。每天进行这样的会晤很容易忽略了相互间的和睦气氛。 直呼“Jane,你过来!”或面无表情地吩咐工作是无法让人接受的。

 At a meeting of project managers, saying "Susan, the Kraus project needs some attentiondo you think you could fit it into your schedule within the next two days shows acknowledgment that Susan has a schedule and again makes a request out of your order

 当开项目经理会时,您说:“Susan, 克劳斯的计划需要予以注意,您能否两天内将它列入你的计划中?”这样一方面表示了解Susan有了一个计划,同时在提出要求时,避免了命令的口吻。

 By making these requests " you" rather than "I" statements or questions, you are implying that Jane or Susan have a participatory place in the process If you said, " I want you to come in here" " I want you to work on the Kraus project" The tone of your request would be very different

 提出这类请求时,使用“您”,而不用“我”的方式陈述或提问可暗示Jane或Susan参与了本项目。如果只说“我想让您过来一下……”“我想让您准备克劳斯的计划。” 您的要求听起来就显得极为地不同!

 拓展内容: 英语小知识之交际礼仪用语


 1 Good Morning, Mike / Good Afternoon, Harry / Good Evening, Mr Johnson2 A: How’s everything going / How’s everything / How’re you doing / Howdy

 B: Fine / I’m doing fine / OK /Okay / I’m doing Okay / Not so bad / Not too bad / Good / I’m doing good A: What’s new

 3 A: Hi, Bill How are you B: Fine, thank you And you A: I’m fine, too, thanks

 4 I haven’t seen you for a long time / It’s been a long time / Long time no see / It’s really nice to see you again


 1介绍:May I introduce you to Dr Johnson / Mr Ford, this is Mr Johnson / Marry, I want you to meet Kenny

 2希望被介绍时:Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs Allen

 3 确认是否初次见面:

 A: Have you met / each other / Mr Lee / Clark

 B: No, I’m afraid not / Yes, we’ve been friends for a lifetime

 4 初识者的招呼语:

 A: How do you, Mrs Allen I’m pleased to meet you B: How do you do, Mr James I’m very glad to meet you, too A: Hi, Mary B: Nice to meet you, Kenny

 5 初识者彼此间的社交性招呼: A: I’ve heard a lot about you B: Good things, I hope

 I’ve been looking forward to meeting you / I’ve been wanting to meet you


 1表示同情:I’m sorry to hear that

 2 对方诉苦时表示同情:That’s too bad

 3 听到对方失败想鼓励时:It happens / Take it easy

 4 鼓励丧失自信的人:You’re on the right track


 1 一般性告别用语:

 See you later (tomorrow) / See you / See you soon / Take it easy / Take care / Goodbye / Bye (now) / Bye-bye / Have a nice weekend (trip)! / Have a nice day! / Good luck! / I’ll be seeing you / Let’s meet again soon

 2 分手时的客套话:

 Well, I have to be going / I got to go now / I got to run now / Uh, will you excuse me / Oh, I’m late I should be going now / It’s been nice talking to you, but I really must go now

 3 分手时的关怀语:

 Please give my best wishes to your father / Please remember me to your father / I’ll miss you / Good to see you / It’s been nice seeing you / It’s been a pleasure / I had a good (great) time today / Thank you very much for everything / You’ve been a big help / Every success in your new job


 1 道歉的一般用法:

 I’m (very / terribly / extremely) sorry / Sorry / Excuse me / Please forgive me / That’s my fault

 2 未能达成对方的期望时:Sorry we cannot help you / I wish I could help you3 郑重地道歉:

 I really appreciate all the trouble you’ve gone to (all your trouble) / I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble / I can’t apologize to you enough

 4 道歉事与愿违:

 I’m sorry I didn’t mean that / I’m sorry it worked out this way (it has come to this) / I apologize if I hurt your feelings

 5 求对方宽恕:Will you accept my apology / I owe you an apology

 6 对方等待时:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting


 1 一般的道谢:Thank you / Thanks a lot / That’s very kind (nice) of you

 2 深深的感谢:I really appreciate it / I can’t thank you enough / It was a great help 回答: It’s my pleasure / The pleasure is (all) mine

 3 虽然不符所望,还是感谢:Thank you (Thanks) anyway / Thank you all (just) the same

 4 感谢的事情明确时:Thank you for calling / writing/ inviting me / coming / your e-mail / your trouble 回答:That’s OK / No trouble


 1 最普通的祝贺词:Congratulations! on

 2 祝酒等:Cheers! / Bottoms up! / Here’s to you! / To your future / To your health!

 3 祝贺生日节日:

 Happy Birthday! / Happy New Year! / Happy Valentine’s Day! / Merry Christmas! / Happy Spring Festival! / Happy Chinese New Year!

 4 结局完美时:

 That’s good! / Lucky you! / You did it! / You made it! / You did a great job! / Nice! / Great!/ Fantastic! / Terrific! / Excellent! / Wonderful! / Neat! / Super!

 5 婚礼等的祝贺:

 I wish you happiness and success in the future / I wish you good luck / I wish you everything you wish for yourself



1) 比较好意头

恒兴 (恒心以及恒新 (永恒创新) 的谐音,意思是永恒振兴)

恒兴 国际室内设计公司

The Innovation Interior Design Ltd


潮 (时尚,新潮)

潮 国际室内设计公司

Taste of Europe Interior Design Ltd


  6 How long is it gonna be Probably


 当我们请人家办一件事时,最不希望在那里枯等。所以呢更好的方式就是先问一下,"How long is it gonna be"(需要多久呢)有时候可以视情况在句尾加上"Probably"就是请对方大概估算一下,不需太过精确。比方说你拿一台仪器去修理,就不妨顺便问一下,"How long is it gonna be Probably" 大概需要多久时间(注gonna是口语用法,也就等于going to)

 像这种「大概多久」的问法,也可以用到approximately这个词。比方说,"Approximately how long will it take to arrive home"(大概需要多久才到家呢)

 7 I would like to request my travel reimbursement


 别的单词可以不会,reimbursement 这个词一定要会。所谓的reimbursement就是指你买东西或是出差自己先垫钱,回来之后要把这笔钱跟公司报帐。记得刚来美国时,每次我都很大方地说,"I want my money back" 当然最后也是顺利把钱给要回来了,但是这样子吃相是不是太难看了些后来才知道原来老美都是用reimbursement这个词。所以记得喔,下次当你出差回来需要报帐时,就可以问一下承办人员,"Which forms do I need to complete for my travel reimbursement"(我需要填什么表来报我的旅费)

 另外还有一个词petty cash reimbursement也许各位有机会用到。所谓的petty cash就是小额的现金。通常是当你买一些小东西而没有收据时,没法给你用正常的管道报销,这时就可以申请petty cash reimbursement。比方说开会时老板要你去买pizza请大家吃,像这种小钱就可以用petty cash reimbursement来报销。而你收到的将会是现金而不是支票。

 8 Our boss pushes us hard


 要形容自己的'老板很严格,有几种不错的说法。之一种说法是,"He pushes us hard" 意即,他对我们逼的很紧。注意,常有人认为 "He pushes us hard" 和 "He is very pushy" 是一模一样的意思,其实这是一个错误的理解。"He is very pushy" 的意思是他是一个很主动积极的人,也就相当于"He is very aggressive"这跟push hard(逼得很紧)是不一样的意思,请不要搞错了。

 第二种说法是,"He is a over-the-shoulder type of person" 所谓over the shoulder是在肩膀后面的意思。这意谓着你的老板天天就站在你的背后看看你在做些什么事。言下之意自然是老板紧迫钉人,对属下要求严格之意了。

 如果以上两种说法你觉得太困难了,你还可以用最简单的第三种说法。"He is a tough guy"或是"He is a demanding guy"Tough跟demanding在这里都是形容一个人要求属下很严格的意思。

 9 Could you please sign the paperwork and return it to me by 4pm


 Paperwork是一个在办公室常常用到的字眼,凡是需要填的各种表格(form),或是需要签名的文件(document),契约(contract)等,都可以简单地称之为paperwork。这个字可以指具体的文件本身,比方说,"I will give you my paperwork tomorrow"(我明天会把申请表交给你。)或是 "I cannot find my all of my paperwork"(我找不到我所有的文件。)也许各位已经注意到,paperwork是一个不可数名词,所以通常不在句尾加 s。

 Paperwork也常指抽象的文书往来的过程,比方说"I need to go through a lot of paperwork before I get my Visa"(在拿到我的签证之前,我必须经过繁复的文书往来过程。)或是你如要强调你必须走过许多个办公室去完成这些 paperwork,可以说walk through paperwork。比方说,"I have to walk through my paperwork before I can get my job done"(在我把工作作完之前,我必须先完成这些文件。)

 10 Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions


 类似例句的用法常见于 *** 的交谈或是e-mail,书信往来的最后。这是一种很客气的讲法,请对方如果有任何的问题尽管问没关系。常见的讲法还有诸如,"Please let me know if you have any questions"或是"Please feel free to call me if you have other questions"都是同样的意思。